Thursday, August 31, 2006
He is Walking

Well, we can't turn back now........He is fully mobile and walking. He has been walking for about 2 weeks now and is getting better and better. As you can see, he looks like a little frankenstein. He actually looks like a drunk frankenstein. He is not quite stable on his feet, but boy is he trying. In the one picture he is carrying his beach ball. He thinks it is pretty cool to pick up stuff and bring it to mom and dad. He is pretty proud of himself and so are we!
New Toys!

Jackson got a lot of cool new toys for his Birthday. Grandma and Grandpa Reich got him a red wagon which he loves. We try to go on a walk every night after it has cooled down a bit here. He also loves his Mickey plane walker that Vicky and Earl got him. That thing makes so many sounds and songs and he knows how to play all of them. It also has a shape sorter. He has mastered the circle and that is about the only one he wants to do!