We had a great time visiting with Andrea, Derek, Stefanie and new baby Dominic! Jackson loved hanging out with his aunts and uncle.

He liked seeing his new cousin, but I think he was more interested in the people who could play with him. We kept on trying to get Jackson to take a picture with Dominic, but he really did not want any part of it. Don't worry Andrea and Derek, soon enough he will be running around before you know it and Jackson will be so excited to have another playmate!
Jackson loved all the attention he got from his aunts and uncle. He kept on calling aunt Stef, aunt Stuff. I love the picture of Stef and Jackson on the train. You can tell she is a mom. She is trying so hard to get Jackson excited about the train ride. She said he just sat there stone faced, but apparently he liked it because he asked for more!
It is so nice seeing Jackson around his family. He loves being around people who care about him.